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Page groups can be used to group collections of pages that are related to one another.

Each page group and its member pages will be displayed as a group of navigation items in the navigation sidebar. Your plugin must specify at least one group, because all top-level pages must be in a group.

Creating Page Groups

Follow these steps to create a page group:

  1. Create a JSON definition for the group:
    "title": "My Group",
    "pages": []
  1. Add the group definition JSON to either:

    • The top-level groups array
    • The groups array of a page section (See Page Sections for more information.)

Group Options

In addition to the required title and pages properties, page group definitions support two optional properties:

1. Output

The optional output property supports configuring the name of the directory that pages within the group are rendered to.

👉 For example, the following page definiton would be rendered to my-group/my-page.html:

    "groups": [
            "title": "My Group",
            "output": "my-group",
            "pages": [
                    "title": "My Page",
                    "source": "my-page.md",
                    "output": "my-page.html"

If no output property is provided, the group's title will be used as the default value.

2. Source

The optional source property allows you to configure a default path prefix for the source property of each page within the group.

👉 For example, the following page would be read from my-group/my-page.md:

    "groups": [
            "title": "My Group",
            "source": "my-group",
            "pages": [
                    "title": "My Page",
                    "source": "my-page.md",

By default, no source path prefix is applied when the source property is omitted.

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