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There are several options for defining plugin configuration:

  1. Use TypeDoc's typedoc.json file
  2. Use a dedicated pagesconfig.json file
  3. Use a custom JSON configuration file

1. Use TypeDoc's typedoc.json file

If you are configuring TypeDoc via the typedoc.json configuration file, you can embed your plugin configuration directly into this file. All plugin configuration options can be specified as properties of the pages property in your typedoc.json file:


    "inputFiles": ["./src"],
    "name": "TypeDoc Pages Plugin",
    "out": "docs",
    "readme": "./docs-source/introduction.md",
    "theme": "pages-plugin",
    "pages": {
        "groups": [],
        "output": "pages"

2. Use a dedicated pagesconfig.json file

If you are not using a typedoc.json configuration file, or if you would like to separate your plugin configuration from the TypeDoc configuration, you can define your plugin configuration in a pagesconfig.json file in the directory where TypeDoc will be executed from:


    "groups": [],
    "output": "pages"

3. Use a custom JSON configuration file

Finally, if you would like to customize the location or name of your dedicated JSON configuration file, pass the path to TypeDoc as the pages configuration option either via your typedoc.json file or command line parameters:


    "inputFiles": ["./src"],
    "name": "TypeDoc Pages Plugin",
    "out": "docs",
    "readme": "./docs-source/introduction.md",
    "theme": "pages-plugin",
    "pages": "./path/to/your/configuration.json"

Command Line

$ typedoc --pages ./path/to/your/configuration.json

Generated using TypeDoc