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Interface PluginOptions

Plugin options


  • PluginOptions



Optional enablePageLinks

enablePageLinks: boolean

Whether or not @page and @pagelink tags should be parsed

Defaults to true.

Optional enableSearch

enableSearch: boolean

Whether or not the pages should be added to the search index

This defaults to true.

Optional failBuildOnInvalidPageLink

failBuildOnInvalidPageLink: boolean

Whether or not invalid page links should fail the TypeDoc build

This defaults to false.

Optional groups

Page group definitions

This is where you define the groups your pages live in.

Optional listInvalidPageLinks

listInvalidPageLinks: boolean

Writes a list of any broken page links to the console

This defaults to false.

Optional output

output: string

Output directory where your pages will be rendered.

This defaults to "pages".

Optional reflectionNavigationTitle

reflectionNavigationTitle: string

Title for the standard TypeDoc reflection items in the navigation sidebar

This defaults to "API".

Optional replaceGlobalsPage

replaceGlobalsPage: boolean

Whether or not to replace the "Globals" page with a "Home" page

The effect of this is that the "Globals" link in the header breadcrumbs will be replaced with a "Home" page that links directly to the root README page and the Globals link in the navigation sidebar will be hidden. Note that this option is only respected when the plugin's built-in theme is used.

This defaults to false.

Optional source

source: string

Root directory where all page source files live

By default this will point to the directory that TypeDoc is run from.

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